Chandrayaan-3 vs Russia’s Luna-25 Race to the Moon: Who Win the 1st Position

Russia is concocting its introductory lunar assignment in almost half a century, targeting to uphold its implication amongst a resurging rivalry in space investigation. With this, Russia is powerfully engaging itself in the modern-day space contest.The Luna 25 lander has been sited onto a Soyuz 2.1b carrier rocket and is now expecting its planned launch on 11th August, Friday at 7:00 PM ET from the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Moscow. This info was conveyed by the Russian state news agency TASS.

About Chandrayaan-3

On the other hand, India’s third moon mission, Chandrayaan-3, was positively launched involving a Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM-3) rocket from the second introduction pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on 14thJuly at 2:35 P.M. This is India’s second effort at soft-landing mechanical gadgets on the lunar superficial after the precedingchallenge, Chandrayaan-2, failed in 2019.

Around 16 minutes after the LVM-3 elevated off, the spacecraft detached from the rocket. It was a united component encompassing the impulsion component, the lander element, and the rover. It arrivedin an elliptic parking orbit (EPO). This orbit’s adjoiningtactic to Earth was around 170 km and farthest, at 36,500 km.The Chandrayaan-3 contains an aboriginal propulsion module (PM) and a lander element. The undertaking aims to advance and validate new technologies mandatory for space assignments.

Chandrayaan-3 vs Russia’s Luna-25

Key Point Luna 25 Chandrayaan-3
Mission Objective Study lunar polar regolith Demonstrate safe lunar landing, rover mobility, experiments
Launch Date August 11, 2023 July 14, 2023
Launch Location Vostochny cosmodrome Satish Dhawan Space Center
Travel Time to Moon About five days 40 days
Lunar Orbit Time 5 to 7 days August 5, 2023 (Enter)
Landing Site Moon’s south pole Moon’s south pole
Focus of Study Oxygen and water search Potential ice reserves for fuel, oxygen, water
Landing Status Awaiting landing Aiming for a soft landing on August 23
Safety Measures Evacuation due to launch safety Lander designed for resilience even with failures
International Cooperation None European Space Agency’s partnership with ISRO

When will Russia’s Luna-25 land on the Moon?

The presentation from Russia’s spacecraft, Vostochny Cosmodrome, 3,450 miles (5,550 km) east of Moscow, is established to take four weeks after India launched its Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander, which is due to trace down at the pole on 23rd August. The Russian space intervention Roscosmos has told Reuters that its Luna-25 spaceship would take five days to reach the moon and then occupy five to seven days in lunar orbit before plunging on one of three conceivable landing locations near the pole.Earlier on 8th August, ISRO chairman S Somanath said that Vikram, the spacecraft of India’s third lunar assignment Chandrayaan-3, will be capable of making a soft landing stage on the Moon’s outward on 23rdAugust even if all the instruments and two of its apparatuses do not work.

In a race with India’s Chandrayaan 3 Mission

Roscosmos has bordered a determined and hostile agenda for its Luna 25 spacecraft. The spaceship is set to board on a five-day expedition to the Moon, trailed by a 5-7 day period in a lunar orbit, which will then conclude in a lineage to one of three possible landing places near the Moon’s southern pole. This tortuously planned timeline specifies that Russia might be on the path to either bout or hardly exceed Chandrayaan-3’s predicted lunar landing. Both India and Russia compete against time to land on the southern extreme of the moon, a terrain that has been almostuncharted till now.

The two lunar missions will not get in each other’s way.

Roscosmos has said that the two undertakings would not get in each other’s way because they have dissimilar landing areas strategic. India’s Chandrayaan-3 is due to two-week run trials, while Luna-25 will work on the moon for a year. With a form of 1.8 tonnes and booming 31 kg (68 pounds) of scientific apparatus, Luna-25 will use a revelation to take rock tasters from a depth of up to 15 cm to test for the incidence of frozen water that could sustain human life. Initially planned for October 2021, Luna-25’s launch was adjourned by over two years. The European Space Agency (ESA) envisioned examining its Pilot-D direction camera by escalating it to Luna-25. However, after Russia attacked Ukraine in February last year, the ESA detached its ties to the mission.


1. What are the main objectives of Chandrayaan-3?

Ans. Chandrayaan-3 aims to validate a safe lunar landing, rover movement, and research on the Moon.

2. What is the predictable outcome of Luna 25’s mission?

Ans. Luna 25’s mission upshot involves studying lunar soil and exosphere and probing for resources like water ice.

3. When is the premeditated landing date for Luna 25?

Ans. Luna 25 intends to land on the Moon’s surface on 23rd August 2023.

4. What is Russia’s Luna 25 task?

Ans. Luna 25 is Russia’s lunar investigation mission to study the Moon’s south pole and search for water.

5. Why was Luna 25’s launch deferred?

Ans. Initially planned for October 2021, Luna 25’s launch was deferred by almost two years.

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