Global Hunger Index 2023: List of World Hunger Country-wise Report, India Ranking

Global Hunger Index 2023: List of World Hunger Country-wise Report, India Ranking: India is ranked 107th out of 121 nations in the Global Hunger Index 2022, Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe publish the index every October. The Hunger Index assesses countries’ performance on four indicators: malnutrition, child wasting, stunting, and mortality.

Read about the important findings of the Global Hunger Index (GHI), in this article, we know about the Global hunger index top list 2023, if you want to know about all information, you must have read the article.

Global Hunger Index 2023: List of World Hunger Country-wise Report, India Ranking

Global Hunger Index 2023 – Overview

Article Name Global Hunger Index 2023: List of World Hunger Country-wise Report, India Ranking
Released By European NGOs
Countries 121
Year 2023
Published Date October 15, 2023
Pages 60 Pages
PDF Size 6 MB
India Rank 107
Official website Click here
PDF Click Here

What Is GHI (Global Hunger Index)?

The Global Hunger Index is a method for measuring and tracking hunger levels in countries around the world. It considers numerous aspects such as childhood malnutrition, child mortality rates, and stunting in children. The score assists governments and groups in identifying locations in need of immediate hunger relief efforts.

For the formula for calculating GHI scores and the sources from which the data are obtained. The boundaries and names indicated, as well as the designations used on maps on this page, do not represent Welthungerhilfe (WHH) or Concern Worldwide’s official sponsorship or acceptance.

Hunger Influencing Factors:

  • Income Inequality and Poverty
  • Changes in the Climate
  • Political Instability and Conflict
  •  education and healthcare

Countries with Highest GHI Scores

The countries with the highest GHI scores are listed below:

The study analyzes and names the countries with the most severe hunger crises. To fulfill their nutritional needs, these countries demand prompt attention and focused aid. Understanding the underlying causes of hunger in these nations is critical for developing effective anti-hunger programs. Conflict, poverty, climate change, and inadequate infrastructure are all common contributors.

India’s Individual GHI Score and Ranking

The report compares India’s GHI score and ranking to prior years. Analyzing India’s performance allows us to understand its progress in eradicating hunger as well as the remaining obstacles.

International Initiatives and Organizations

Numerous global organizations and initiatives are dedicated to eradicating hunger. Understanding their efforts and contributions is essential in creating a coordinated and effective response.

Government Policies and Programs

The Indian government has put in place a number of measures to combat hunger and malnutrition. Understanding the extent and effects of these activities aids in determining their efficacy.

Significance of Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture techniques are critical for long-term food security. Investigating new agricultural practices can boost output and alleviate hunger.

List of World Hunger Country-wise Report 2023

Rank in 2023 Country Name
1-17 Belarus
1-17 Bosnia & Herzegovina
1-17 Chile
1-17 China
1-17 Croatia
1-17 Estonia
1-17 Hungary
1-17 Kuwait
1-17 Latvia
1-17 Lithuania
1-17 Montenegro
1-17 North Macedonia
1-17 Romania
1-17 Serbia
1-17 Slovakia
1-17 Turkey
1-17 Uruguay
107 India

Global Hunger Index: Combating Hunger Strategies

Fighting hunger necessitates a multifaceted approach involving governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. Some effective tactics are as follows:

  • Agricultural Innovation
  • Social Safety Nets
  • Women’s Empowerment
  • Increasing Education
  • Improving Healthcare

Key Benefits of the Global Hunger Index

  1. Awareness
  2. Data Collection
  3. Policy Influence
  4. Targeting Resources
  5. Accountability
  6. Comparison
  7. Long-term Planning
  8. Sustainable Development
  9. Nutrition Education
  10. Resource Allocation
  11. Public Health Initiatives
  12. Aid Distribution
  13. Investment Attraction
  14. Community Empowerment
  15. Emergency Preparedness
  16. Gender Equality
  17. Reduced Poverty
  18. Children’s Development
  19. Economic Growth
  20. Resilience Building
  21. Climate Change Mitigation
  22. Investment in Agriculture
  23. Partnerships
  24. Human Rights
  25. Research and Innovation
  26. Reduction in Stunting
  27. Healthcare Savings
  28. Political Stability
  29. Reduced Migration
  30. Diversity in Agriculture
  31. Global Cooperation
  32. Ethical Responsibility
  33. Empowerment of Women
  34. Improved Livelihoods
  35. Reduced Wastage
  36. International Aid
  37. Public-Private Partnerships
  38. Sustainable Farming
  39. Improved Water Management
  40. Social Equality
  41. Increased Education
  42. Reduced Infant Mortality

Note: This page now includes a download link. You can also look up India’s position on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023. The index, however, is published by the European NGOs Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe. The GHI is calculated annually, and the findings are published in an annual report in October. In this article, we will provide the whole list of the Global Hunger Index 2023 (GHI).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How is the Global Hunger Index calculated?

Ans.  The Global Hunger Index is based on four indicators: malnutrition, child wasting, stunting, and child mortality.

Q. What are the long-term consequences of child malnutrition?

Ans. Childhood malnutrition can result in stunted growth, cognitive deficits, and an increased susceptibility to diseases later in life.

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